Please note that regardless of whether you are a Liquid Rhythm or Liquid Music owner, these steps are the same. For instructions on how to uninstall Liquid Music on Windows click here.
Installed Components of Liquid Music + Liquid Rhythm on macOS
Depending on the version of Liquid Music or Liquid Rhythm installed on your machine, as well as what plugins you chose to install, you may have any of the following components:
- Liquid Rhythm Standalone
- All versions of Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Music
- Liquid Rhythm VST2
- All versions of Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Music
- Liquid Rhythm VST3
- Liquid Rhythm 1.4.4 and up; Liquid Music 1.5.0 and up
- Liquid Rhythm AU
- All versions of Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Music
- Liquid Rhythm RTAS
- Liquid Rhythm 1.3.0 - Liquid Music 1.7.0
- Liquid Rhythm AAX
- Liquid Music 1.8.0 only
- Liquid Rhythm Max for Live AMXD
- Liquid Rhythm 1.2.0 and up; Liquid Music 1.5.0 and up
- Liquid Music VST2 and VST3
- Liquid Music 1.6.0 and up
- Liquid Music AU
- Liquid Music 1.6.0 and up
- Liquid Music AAX
- Liquid Music 1.6.4 and up
- Liquid Music Max for Live AMXD
- Liquid Music 1.5.0 and up
For example, by version number (of latest version by license type):
- Liquid Music 1.8.0 + Liquid Rhythm 1.8.0
- Liquid Music VST2 / VST3 / AU / AAX / Max for Live AMXD
- Liquid Rhythm VST2 / VST3 / AU / AAX / Max for Live AMXD
- Liquid Rhythm Standalone
- Liquid Music 1.7.0 + Liquid Rhythm 1.7.0
- Liquid Music VST2 / VST3 / AU / AAX / Max for Live AMXD
- Liquid Rhythm VST2 / VST3 / AU / RTAS / Max for Live AMXD
- Liquid Rhythm Standalone
- Liquid Rhythm 1.4.5
- Liquid Rhythm VST2 / VST3 / AU / RTAS / Max for Live AMXD
- Liquid Rhythm Standalone
Uninstall Liquid Music + Liquid Rhythm on macOS / Apple OS X
Depending on the version history of Liquid Rhythm / Liquid Music installed on your machine, as well as your machine's operating system version history, you may have any of the components listed above in a number of possible locations. To completely cleanly uninstall, be sure to delete any files you find in any of the following locations detailed below. All directory locations listed below will be accessible using Finder.
- Remove the base application.
Move to Trash and empty from Trash.
- Remove the WaveDNA folder from Applications.
Move to Trash and empty from Trash.
- Remove the AU plugins.
These plugins may also exist at the corresponding User Library location:/Users/<username>/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/LiquidMusic.component
- Remove the VST plugins.
These plugins may also exist at the corresponding User Library location:/Users/<username>/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/LiquidMusic.vst
- Remove the AAX / RTAS plugins.
/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/LiquidMusic.aaxplugin
/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/LiquidRhythm.aaxplugin
/Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins/LiquidRhythm.dpm
These plugins may also exist at the corresponding User Library location:/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/LiquidMusic.aaxplugin
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/LiquidRhythm.aaxplugin
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins/LiquidRhythm.dpm
- Remove the Max for Live plugins.
Note that these plugins would only be created by the installer if you have Ableton Live 8+ and an Ableton documents directory.
/Users/<username>/Music/Ableton/User Library/Presets/MIDI Effects/Max MIDI Effect/LiquidMusic.amxd
/Users/<username>/Music/Ableton/User Library/Presets/MIDI Effects/Max MIDI Effect/LiquidRhythm.amxd
- Remove user data–including config files, logs, and downloaded content.
Note: Your Liquid Rhythm project files might have saved to this location. Please be sure to back up any of your work before deleting them!
/Library/Application Support/LiquidRhythm
/Library/Application Support/WaveDNA
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/LiquidRhythm
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/WaveDNA
If you have installed much older versions of Liquid Rhythm (pre-1.4.x), you may also have the following directory to remove:/LiquidRhythm
You may also wish to delete all in-application User Preference files, which can be found at the following locations:/Library/Preferences/
- Remove standalone MaxMSP preference files.
/Library/Application Support/LiquidLoops Audio Engine Preferences
/Library/Application Support/Liquid Loops Max 8 Preferences
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/LiquidLoops Audio Engine Preferences
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Liquid Loops Max 8 Preferences
You may also have the following Max-cached Audio Unit information files:/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/AudioUnits/LiquidMusic.auinfo
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/AudioUnits/LiquidRhythm.auinfo
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/Max 7/AudioUnits/LiquidMusic.auinfo
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/Max 7/AudioUnits/LiquidRhythm.auinfo
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/Max 8/AudioUnits/LiquidMusic.auinfo
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/Max 8/AudioUnits/LiquidRhythm.auinfo
- You may also wish to remove your WaveDNA License from your computer. Note that if you plan to re-install, you may not wish to perform this step, as you will have to re-activate your license for your current computer, which means that an additional seat on your license will be consumed. Please contact us if you do actually do this, and we can help you migrate your license and ensure you'll have the full two seats you purchased for two workstations.