This article was originally written in 2014 and is most relevant for Liquid Rhythm 1.4.5 (and earlier), as well as early versions of Liquid Music. Liquid Music 1.8.0 + Liquid Rhythm 1.8.0 no longer suffer from the following (previously-common) issue (nor do Liquid Music 1.7.0 + Liquid Rhythm 1.7.0), though if this error is somehow ever encountered in later versions the recommended solution would be to perform a complete uninstall and then reinstall, as the error indicates a problem with configuration files for Liquid Rhythm / Liquid Music in Max for Live, which should be reset by a clean reinstall. Instructions here: macOS. Windows.
What may cause the error?
Running Liquid Rhythm in Ableton Live, through Max for Live, requires a special WaveDNA-specific configuration file for MaxMSP. This configuration file allows the Liquid Rhythm Max for Live device to find our installed application. When you install a new version of MaxMSP, it will overwrite these settings. Or if you install a new bit level of Ableton and Max for Live (ie, you were using Ableton 32-bit with Liquid Rhythm Clip mode, and then you installed Ableton 64-bit’s with Max for Live), it will overwrite these settings.
In those cases you might get the following error:

LRCA02-2: Configuration Error.
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The solution is to get the configuration file back into the MaxMSP folder. There are two ways to resolve this issue:
- Easiest solution is to re-install Liquid Rhythm. On Windows you will need to uninstall and re-install. On Mac, you can re-run the Clip installer found in the .dmg file.
Mac Installing the Liquid Rhythm for Max for Live
- The next step is to manually add back the special code required by Liquid Rhythm. This page outlines the steps required to manually install Liquid Rhythm for Max for Live. Here are the manual install steps.